In the name of energy and safety.For over 30 years, SIEL has been engaged in the creation and research of technologies for reliable energy and for its generation from renewable sources.SIEL’s projects, products, systems and services have become a guarantee of quality at an international level.From the very first contact, SIEL supports its customers with its professional structure and its highly qualified human resources, always aiming towards the total satisfaction of the customer’s needs and beyond: those who enter SIEL find consulting, support, professionalism and peace of mind.From private to public, SIEL builds the most suitable tools for each customer and manages its energy in safety: fundamental advantages for highly critical areas such as those of finance, health, data centres, industrial plants and telecommunications.Choosing SIEL means relying on experts to find the best solution in daily activities.RangeThe vast range of SIEL products and solutions can be adapted to the specifications of any customer and industry, for both small and large applications.Initially founded as a UPS manufacturer (Uninterruptible Power Supplies), SIEL has expanded its technologies, achieving high levels of development thanks to continuous research and development.Its products are a guarantee of effectiveness and efficiency, safety and versatility, without however neglecting system aesthetics: SIEL is attentive to the design and appearance of its products, maximizing the capabilities of its products in the smallest space possible.HistorySince 1983, under the leadership of its founder and current Chairman Enrico Pensini, SIEL has achieved important targets, constantly aiming to the future, extending its technologies and making them increasingly effective, expanding worldwide to reach new customers.Initially specialising in the design and production of UPS’s, the company found its ideal headquarters in 1990 in Trezzano Rosa, Milan.1991 – Siel Energy Systems UK was founded, the first company to take care of the distribution and maintenance of Siel UPS’s in the UK territory and market. The following years saw the development of the range of high power UPS’s, with the introduction of microprocessor control and a new segment to be added to the target markets: telecommunications.1995 – Thanks to its precision and reliability SIEL obtained the ISO 9001 – Quality Management System certification in 1995.1997 – SIEL started to collaborate with Malpensa 2000 supplying all products with innovative IGBT power semiconductors.1999SIEL was the first to produce 1000kVA UPS in a single cabinet and acquired SIAC, a direct current components manufacturer.In The following year SIEL entered the renewable energy field with the efficient SIAC Soleil inverters, developed for photovoltaic applications. 5 years after that first step into the world of clean energy, SIEL conquered the international photovoltaic market with its three-phase inverters.

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